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10 Morning Routines of highly successful entrepreneurs and celebrities
Goal getting starts with good habits, and good habits start by making a routine of them, every single day.
Successful people know this and that is why they start their days with winning morning routines. Because how you start your day determines how the rest of it goes.
Here are the morning routines that successful people swear by;
#1 Set your goal and intent. Then Eat the frog!
Arianna Huffington, the founder of Huffington Post and Thrive Global starts her day by goal-setting. Before she gets up she decides the most important accomplishment she has for that day.
Brian Tracy, author of the book Eat that Frog, notes that in the morning, highly successful people are the most full of energy, are fresh and ready to go.
This is the best time to take advantage of that energy and do the hardest task of the day, (your “frog”) first. Just do it! That way, you’re very likely to get it done. Read more about how to achieve your goals with 4 ways to manage your time.
Your day needs to have a purpose, so start with that first.
#2 Prepare a checklist for the next day
This just another example of how good luck starts with good preparation.
A good morning routine starts the night before. Begin with a to-do list of what you want to accomplish the next day to get yourself organized.
#3 Lay everything out for the morning
Start the day prepared by dealing with the practical things. Envision your day, and picking your day-to-night outfit that will take your through your meetings and whatever social things you have planned for the evening.
You need nourishment to get your through a productive day. Make your lunch the night before. This save you time, money and energy for other things in the morning. Just make sure to put a note on your purse or door, so that you don't forget your lunch in the refrigerator :-)
#4 Get an early start. Wake-up super early!
Ever heard the expression, "the early bird catches the worm"? Well successful people take that to the next level.
Successful people and celebrities know that time is an asset, and they use theirs wisely. By waking up at 4:30, 5:30 or 6:30 AM at the latest, they maximize the time in the morning to do what is important to them - FIRST.
So, when everyone is still asleep, they are already accomplishing their priorities for the day.
#5 Get energized as soon as you wake up
What do President Barack Obama, Christie's CEO Steve Murphy and Vogue Editor in Chief Anna Wintour all have in common? They wake up early to work out.
#6 Get fresh air
Getting some fresh air as soon as you can in the morning. Organization guru and Author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo starts the mornings by opening up all of the windows in her house. She says it helps to purify. Oxygen helps the brain to wake and get all fired up for the day.
#7 Cleanse your system with a cup of warm water and lemon juice
Beyonce starts her day with a cup of lemon water and here is why you should too. Read all about the health and beauty benefits of drinking lemon water in our next read.
#8 Get on top of the news
Foody hero, Amanda Hesser CEO of Food52, and cookbook author starts her day by reading the news and getting on top of what's happening in the world.
#9 Be mindful. Get off your phone and mail!
Want to know what not to do in the morning? Don't start your day by reading your mails or by getting on your phone the moment you wake up. I know it's tempted, but studies show like this one on HBR that this bad habit can have you in a bad mood all day.
#10 Express gratitude
No matter how much time or how little time she has, Oprah Winfrey starts every day by going into her meditation room and practices gratitude. Take just 5 minutes every day and start by expressing gratitude for all the things that you are thankful for, like your health, your friends, your family... there is so much to appreciate.
So the goal is...
So the goal is to get hooked on your habit. Try it for at least 21 days and you will start to notice that you are much more productive and successful in your day, when you start with clear intentions, mindfulness and healthy morning routines.
What about you?
What is your morning routine that you swear by? Reach out to us in the comment section below and share which of these tips has worked the best for you.
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