You see yourself going places. So do we. But what do you do about those goals? We have been in your shoes and know how it feels to see your vision, however not know the exact steps to get there.
Join us during our workshops where we share with you the 5 steps to developing your personal strategy.
Get the VIGOR Plan - Reach your goals.
Date: Saturday, 22 February 2020
Location: VI Company 4th floor Groothandelsgebouw in Rotterdam (Across from CIC)
Get your ticket
Workshop Program:
This morning and early afternoon, we teach you our 5 Step VIGOR Plan to achieve your biggest goal.
11:00-13:00 VIGOR Workshop
13:00-13:30 Bring it all together and learn from role-model speakers
13:30-14:00 Lunch with like-minded women and mentors
What you'll learn:
Which goal to pursue
Why this is important to you
How to do this
What your personal plan is
Who is going to help you
What is next for you
How this will help you:
- Make your career strategy with the help of experienced coaches and recruiters
- Find out how to prepare for a career move
- Learn to use the VIGOR method to understand why you make certain choices and to guide you towards your goals!
- Develop your leadership Skills
- Learn ways to get your priorities in order
- Get inspired by the panel discussing on all this and more from a CEO, career-changer and manager persepctive
- Meet like-minded women to join forces with and reach your goals - together!
Why else to buy tickets?
So, you are constantly watching others... wondering why they have it all together.
The Perfect life. The perfect job. Stop it. Because...This is about you and your career.
Now, instead...Do this:
Do the VIGOR Workshop. For you and your career. Get Tickets
Because we are no longer in our twenties;
A busy life compiled of social interaction, family, friends, me-time and lots of work keep you busy How about some tools to help you work smarter not harder? So you can enjoy more