| Eve & Elle Admin
3 things to do before you are 35
Sometimes it's good to just sit back and observe the world around you, without constant information input. Being mindful is something you grow into.
By the time your 35 there are some things you should be comfortable doing. Just a few things that will show yourself that you have learned to cope with certain situations and that you are comfortable with yourself.
1# Know when to turn your social off
Sometimes it's time to shut the social down and re energize yourself. You should be able to recognize these moments. Take a step back and regain some energy without getting stuck in a rut scrolling tough social channels.
2# Have the inner peace to do nothing
Some might remember a time where cell phones didn't exist and while waiting in line on public transportation or at home on the couch, there was nothing else to do then just look out of the window, talk to the person next to you or read a good book. You should be able to do any of these without the feeling you have to do something. Sometimes it's good to just sit back and observe the world around you, without constant information input.
3# Don’t get awkward during silences
Most people get super awkward during silences in a conversation, however if you are at ease with yourself and your surroundings, there would be nothing awkward about it. The power of silence is immense. If you have it, use it and develop it. Don’t start rambling nonsense or feeling insecure just because their is a silence. The only way a silence becomes awkward is when you decide it’s awkward.