VIGOR Plan Personal Finance Goals





Essential leadership skills. Tools to prepare for your next step.


 Buy Tickets here 



Why buy tickets?

So, you are constantly watching others... wondering why they have it all together.

The Perfect life.

Stop it.



They don’t.


Now, instead...

Do this:





Essential leadership skills. Tools to prepare for your next step.


 Workshop February 2020: Get Tickets


Here is what's next for you...

Start developing yourself. Get inspired by women who are just like you! So, here is your to-do list:

- Go to the upcoming "What's Next"seminar

- Find out what's helping power-house women just like you

- Define your own success and create your project-me plan!


    We’ve got your back. We will prepare you for What’s Next:

    Get Tickets


    What’s Next...

    Looking for new challenges? Eager to learn and progress in your career?

    Whether it is climbing that corporate ladder or venturing out on your own. Both can be pretty daunting...

    You need all the help you can get to ensure you succeed.

    Buy Tickets here

    Learn essential leadership skills, know how to prepare for a career move and start to get your personal finances in order. 


    We are no longer in our twenties;

    A busy life compiled of social interaction, family, friends, me-time and lots of work keep you busy How about some tools to help you work smarter not harder? So you can enjoy more


    Workshop Program:

    During our What’s Next Session we’ve gathered inspirational speakers who will share their successes and failures in their daily life, their careers and the choices that they made. And, we teach you our number one tool to achieve your biggest goal.


    11:00-12:00 Workshop
    12:00-12:30 Panel
    12:30-14:00 Lunch Networking with like-minded women and mentors

    Why you're going to do this:

    Develop your leadership Skills
    How to get your personal finance in order
    How to prepare for a career move
    Inspiring panel discussing on all this and more from a CEO, career-changer and an entrepreneurial perspective.
    Meet like-minded women to join forces with
    Learn to use the VIGOR method to understand why you make certain choices and to guide you towards your goals!


    What you'll learn:

    Which goal to pursue
    Why this is important to you
    How to do this
    What your personal plan is
    Who is going to help you
    What is next for you

    Buy a Ticket



    What are you waiting for?

     Buy Tickets here